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Carpet Cleaning and Sanitation

Sanitizing with Carpet Cleaning

So many do not realize how much sanitizing their carpet is a need. Most only think steam cleaning carpet is necessary for looks but it goes much deeper than that, much deeper! Just by performing a steam cleaning method on your carpet you are sanitizing. By sanitizing it means to help kill germs, bacteria and allergens that are living in your carpet unknown. These are all things that get into the fibers of your carpet. If you have pets no telling what they’re bringing into the home. By adding chemicals to your carpet steam cleaning you are not only tackling the underlining problem but also tackling those spots and stains.

Why Does My Carpet Look Dirty?

There are so many customers that Beyer Carpet Cleaning talk to who are concerned about black spots or traffic areas looking dingy. Maybe they don’t wear shoes in the house or haven’t had any spills or don’t have pets but these spots “appear out of no where”. Well, the truth is that just from walking around your home along the same pathways day in and out will take a toll on your carpet over time. In many cases the fibers have become frayed and have worn down. In areas where tile meets carpet; especially, in doorways, the carpet will look matted down and dingy. It’s not uncommon and will happen over time whether you have a lot of foot traffic or not. These areas can be cleaned and sanitized but it will reverse the damage and will not come back to life after a carpet cleaning. This will also happen whether you are wearing shoes in the house or have a strict no shoe policy. No only does traffic in doorways, pathways and around furniture take place but a serious issues every home has is dust build up! Did you know that when dust goes untreated it will blend with your carpet fibers and will not come out. Most know this happens behind doors in the corners but this will also affect the borders of your carpet and under furniture that hasn’t been moved for cleaning.

How Steam Cleaning Carpet Helps

Carpet steam cleaning San Antonio, will help sanitize your carpet while tackling the stains. It is important to have regular maintenance on your carpet just like you would other parts of your home. Sanitizing your hard surfaces is important so why not the soft surface under your feet? It has surely seen some better days. With Beyer Carpet Cleaning they are going to sanitize your carpet with a hot steam cleaning and make your carpet look good and smell fresh. They know that with all the uncertainty going on in the world, right now, with Coronavirus (COVID-19) that your carpet should be extra sanitary. As many are disinfecting their homes, offices, vehicles, hands and more why not disinfect your carpet? Although, it is unknown if coronavirus can live in soft surfaces such as carpet, steam cleaning carpet is an extra layer of protection for you and your family. Our carpets are housing so many unseen fungi, bacteria, etc. it would be wise to take extra steps of precautions. Beyer Carpet Cleaning understands this and as an essential business they are here to help. They also understand many are scared of the possibilities and so many in their community are being effected by working from home, having to quarantine, and worse being laid off from their jobs. Times are hard and money is tight. At a time where they could play on the fears of others and charge for additional disinfectant they are offering it with every cleaning at no extra cost. Antimicrobial cleaners are the top chemicals many are buying up and supply shops are having a hard time keeping up the demand. These are CDC and EPA approved and recommended chemicals that can and should be used to disinfect surfaces, including carpet. These sanitizers help combat viruses and bacteria. They have a high kill rate and are top of the line disinfectants that cost a pretty penny. Beyer Carpet Cleaning does not want their customer’s feelings to be played on nor do they want one more thing for their customers to have to worry about paying money for in order to get that extra line of defense.

Beyer Carpet Cleaning has laid out protocols for their employees to not only protect them but also their clients. They want every customer’s home they walk into to feel safe and know they are in good hands. Beyer Carpet Cleaning is not passing along the cost to their customers for adding a disinfectant or for any of the additional supplies their technicians will have in order to service a home. At this present time they are more concerned with getting the necessary job done efficiently and effectively. Let Beyer Carpet Cleaning be that extra line of defense between your family and the coronavirus. They want to do all they can to help!

Call Beyer Carpet Cleaning today at 210-723-4392 for more information or book through their fast and easy online booking.

Carpet Cleaning San Antonio

Professional Carpet Cleaning in San Antonio, for the low price of $169 for qualifying mid size houses with 5 rooms to clean.
Professional Carpet Cleaning in San Antonio, for the low price of $169 for qualifying mid size houses with 5 rooms to clean.


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Picture of Josh Beyer

Josh Beyer

Josh and his lovely wife Christina (Nina) had a dream…A dream to get that Carpet Clean! Beyer Carpet Cleaning opened the first Local Location in San Antonio, Spring of 2013

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