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Carpet Cleaning and the Crazy Holiday Season

The Craziness of Carpet Cleaning During the Holidays

The last two weeks of November were so crazy for the carpet cleaning business. Everyone was in need of carpet cleaning. Not only were people trying to get ready for their Thanksgiving guests it was also the end of the month which means others needed clean carpets before moving out of their rental home. It was a double whammy but Beyer Carpet Cleaning made it out alive!

Beyer Carpet Cleaning was so jammed packed that they had to turn customers away who were looking to have carpet cleaning done before the holiday. Their phone was ringing off the hook but if you call the day before you need carpet cleaning done or the day of good luck trying to find anyone to service your home. It is always best to plan ahead especially around the holidays. No one wants to turn away a customer but they cannot over work their techs or vehicles. Over working leads to problems and problems lead to more problems and headaches and no one wants that during the busiest time of the year. So if you were unable to have your carpet cleaned before Thanksgiving you still have a chance to have it done before Christmas but you have to call now! Do not wait until the last minute to try to schedule an appointment ever again. If you know you are going to need carpet cleaning done why wait to call. Call now and reserve your time. Don’t put yourself in a bind and stress about not being able to get what you want.

Beyer Carpet Cleaning will be keeping their specials around through the end of the year so you can get the best possible savings through out the holidays. They know that you have extra expenses this time of year and don’t want to spend more then you have to. Beyer Carpet Cleaning San Antonio is all about saving you money. They offer the best prices along with the best service in San Antonio. Although they are busy they can still stay on track with their schedule so you won’t have to wait longer then the 2 hour window given. They don’t want to keep you waiting because they know you have better things to then sitting around all day waiting for the carpet cleaning guys to arrive. So remember if you are planning to have your carpets cleaned in order to impress your guests schedule in advance so you won’t be out of luck!


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Picture of Josh Beyer

Josh Beyer

Josh and his lovely wife Christina (Nina) had a dream…A dream to get that Carpet Clean! Beyer Carpet Cleaning opened the first Local Location in San Antonio, Spring of 2013