It’s Rodeo Time San Antonio
Every February San Antonio hosts the best rodeo in Texas! With big named bands, comedians, bull riders, lots of food, animals and games there is no doubt San Antonio is the best and biggest rodeo around. During rodeo season everyone dusts of those cowboy boots, puts on their best cowboy outfit and has some rodeo fun. With $1 day specials and so much to offer it is a great opportunity for the entire city to experience some fun. This weekend marks the last days of the San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo.
During rodeo season the first thing that comes to mind is the weather! It is usually the coldest, sometimes the wettest, and definitely the most fun you’ll have in the cold. With cold wet weather and all that fun there isn’t a second thought about the amount of germs, sicknesses and bacteria that is being passed around during this season. When you get home your boots will be covered in dust, germs and who knows what else since you’re walking around grounds covered in nasty things. You don’t think about it but pretty much any day you wear shoes while out and about you are bringing back all the bacteria from the outside into your home. This is why is becoming a more popular option to leave shoes outside or inside by the door. Taking off your shoes before walking into a room is the smartest and best idea for any and everyone. You don’t want to spread all those germs and bacteria all over your home but there are those times where you do happen to have to step into a room while wearing shoes. There is also the issue of your clothes, hands, bags and anything else you carry around with you that are also carrying bacteria. When you come home from the rodeo you are definitely going to be covered in dust and germs. This is why it is extremely important to have your carpet cleaning done at least once every 6 months.
Your carpet, furniture and tile are covered in more germs and bacteria than you can imagine and no, it’s not just because you went to the rodeo. By all means have fun. Enjoy the great outdoors. But germs and bacteria is just something that cannot be avoided. Our body shedds, everything we touch our oils rub off on to it, our shoes have bacteria on them, and we come in contact with people so germs will continue to spread. It’s a vicious cycle that leads to people becoming sick, have an allergic flare up or something else. Since we are constantly carrying germs it is important to maintain the things we walk on, sit on, sleep on and so forth. This is why we have cleaning supplies like clorox wipes, bleach and other germ killing chemicals. So how do you clean and maintain your carpet, upholstery and tile? Well, the answer is simple, it is steam cleaning.
When deep steam cleaning a professional carpet cleaner should be steam cleaning at about 200 degrees. This high degree will kill germs and bacteria living within the fibers of your carpet or upholstery. If you think doing a simple vacuum or mopping of your tile will get rid of germs and completely sanitize it, it won’t. Beyer Carpet Cleaning offers the best carpet cleaning in San Antonio. They offer the best carpet cleaning prices and the best specials for carpet cleaning. Not only are they going to deep steam clean your carpet to sanitize and kill germs they will also spray your carpet with spot treatment and deodorizer to help remove stains and freshen up the carpet. The same process and high degree of cleaning is involved with grout cleaning and furniture cleaning.
We live in a world filled with germs and bacteria and that will never end but you can do something about trying to control how much it will affect you. Beyer Carpet Cleaning San Antonio makes it easy to schedule your cleaning and taking care of your carpet, tile or sofas. You can go online and schedule an appointment or go to their contact us page to email them or simply pick up the phone. They are available Monday thru Saturday for carpet cleaning, tile cleaning or sofa cleaning.